Preparing for Scenario Q - Pastor Josh Laxton and Mindy Caliguire

Preparing for Scenario Q

Key Bible Verses

Matthew 11:28-30
Mark 1:35-36
Psalm 131:1-3
John 15:4-6

Digging Deeper 

Mindy Caliguire, in her book, Ignite Your Soul, presents the importance of caring for and maintaining our souls so that we do not end up living a life burned out, lonely, and isolated from God. 

The journey of soul care, growth, and transformation is rooted in God’s love and care for us. Some ways that we can nurture our souls and prioritize our relationship with God are:

  • Develop a love of God and a connection with Him. 

  • Hunger and thirst for God’s word and meditate on it day and night. 

  • Give compassion and grace to yourself.

  • Forgive and serve others.

  • Bask in God’s pleasure and His constant love and care for your soul. 

  • Reflect gratitude to God for all His blessings. 

  • Develop Christian community, valuing fellowship with other belivers. 

  • Trust in God’s guidance and provision as we strive to nourish and care for our souls. 

  • Practice self-care by caring for the body, mind, and emotions so that God is honored. 

May God give us wisdom to care for our souls and be an example to the world as we live lives with joy and contentment that is not dependent on circumstances, but on having a transformed heart focused on God and His care and love for us. 

What Not To Miss

Main Discussion Point:
Your inner life determines how well you deal with the outer life. Soul Care will prepare you for the Scenario Qs of life.

About Mindy Caliguire
Mindy Caliguire is the co-founder and president of Soul Care ( As an organization, Soul Care cultivates soul health among leaders by providing pathways, practices, and guides to help them personally flourish and achieve missional impact. In addition to leading Soul Care, Mindy has served in executive leadership in both marketplace and ministry environments, serving individuals and organizations worldwide and through the Soul Care Collective, an online community. 

1. What is Scenario Q?
When facing and praying about a life situation or problem, we typically envision Scenario A, Scenario B, or Scenario C. Scenario Q is any situation presenting itself that we could never have imagined or envisioned. God provides something entirely off the radar and utterly outside of what was hoped for. Once Scenario Q surfaces, it ultimately fulfills a foundational desire that was an even deeper desire. (Ignite Your Soul, by Mindy Caliguire, pages 142-143)

2. Are you and your soul ready for the Scenario Qs in your life?
Scenario Qs are outside our plans and can be unwelcome. They require that we open up to new things. If we stay so locked into our preconceived ideas of what should be, we can miss what God is actually up to. Some people want following God to be a way of life that guarantees all of our prayers are answered precisely as we request. Scenario Q invites us to:

  • Receive a better outcome than anything we could imagine.

  • Rejoice that God may be preparing us to meet Him in deeper realities than we even understood we needed. 

Scenario Q is the hinge point where the invisible Kingdom comes into contact with our tangible lives. It is when something happening in the unseen breaks into the seen, and we have a resolution, at least for a season. (Ignite Your Soul, by Mindy Caliguire, page 144)

Just because someone is saved doesn’t mean someone’s soul is well. (Ignite Your Soul, by Mindy Caliguire, pages 9-10)

  • As believers, we don’t have imagination or language for the well-being of our souls. 

  • Followers of Jesus are suffering on the inside. 

  • We can learn to keep our souls well-tended in the midst of all circumstances. 

Signs of burning out, exhaustion, and running on fumes: (Ignite Your Soul, by Mindy Caliguire, pages 6-7)

  • Tired

  • Health issues

  • Sadness

  • Confusion

  • Grief

  • Despair

Take a Soul Care Assessment at

3. How can we be ready for Scenario Qs in life?

Practice Soul Care

  • Soul care is a way of life that allows you to develop the heart, mind, and spirit to become a person of the Kingdom as an active participant with God in the here and now. (Ignite Your Soul, by Mindy Caliguire, page 145)

Best practices for Soul Care that are intentional

  • Rest and Sabbathing (Spiritual/Physical/Emotional/Mental) Holistic Rest (Matthew 11:28-30)

    • Spiritual

    • Circadian

    • Weekly

    • Extended Vacation (Sabbaticals)

    • Retreat

  • Silent Prayer (Psalm 131:1-3)

    • Attentiveness (A Life of Attentiveness Helps with Soul Care)

    • What is my desire for God?

      • - A Page (Journaling)

      • - A Person (Safe Person)

      • - A Plan (A Map)

Soul Care is the intentional slowing down of one’s life in order to focus and fuel the soul by abiding in Christ. (John 15:4-6)

4. What happens when we are prepared for Scenario Qs in life? (Ignite Your Soul, by Mindy Caliguire, pages 156-157) 

  • We experience inner peace. 

  • We are equipped to handle these scenarios. 

  • We flourish.

  • The Gospel is conveyed to everyone around us.

  • A healthy soul speaks of a life everyone is dying to experience.

Next Steps
For the person dealing with Scenario Q, and who is struggling and burned out:

  • Visit the Soul Care website. 

    • Pay to take the foundational online course, Strengthening Our Souls.

    • Take the free course on confronting burnout.

For the person who isn’t in Scenario Q:

  • Lay the groundwork and foundation for soul care.

  • It is a matter of time before they find themselves in a Scenario Q.

Life Application

This week, make a list of things that will nourish and fortify your soul, so that it becomes healthier and so that you will be ready to handle the Scenario Qs that come up in your life. Think about activities that you know give you rest, comfort and peace, or that you enjoy doing and have fun doing. Choose one thing each day this week that will nourish and nurture your soul. Ask God to give you an open heart that will allow you to see His unexpected Scenario Qs for you. Trust God for healing and recovery as you practice soul revitalization and restoration. Read Mindy’s book, Ignite Your Soul, for inspiration, ideas, and challenges as you develop a practice of caring for your soul. 

Small Group Discussion Questions

  • What spiritual activities bring you the greatest joy and sense of relaxation? Reflect on these moments and share them with the group.

  • How does the Bible guide and teach us to care for our souls? 

  • What profound peace does Jesus bring, and how does this peace affect our souls?

  • What is Scenario Q?

  • What soul care practices do you feel God calls you to focus on now so that you are prepared for Scenario Q?

Daily Devotional Bible Passages 

  • Day 1: Soul: Deuteronomy 4:9; Psalm 19:7; Psalm 23:1-3

  • Day 2: Emotional-Psalm 42:4-5; Matthew 16:25-26; 

  • Day 3: Spirit-Psalm 103:1; Matthew 11:29;  Hebrews 4:12

  • Day 4: Healing-Exodus 15:26; Psalm 146:2; Jeremiah 17:14

  • Day 5: Delight- Psalm 35:9; Mark 12: 30; Psalm 37:3-5


Dear Lord, I thank you for the gift of my soul. I know that it is a precious and important part of who I am, and I want to take care of it in the best way possible. Please guide and show me how to nourish and care for my soul. Let me learn to prioritize my spiritual well-being and make time for prayer, reflection, and self-care. Remind me to seek your presence and guidance in all aspects of my life, especially when things are crazy and super busy. Teach me to listen to You and pay attention to the thoughts and feelings that You show me. Grant me the wisdom to make healthy choices for my body, mind, and spirit. Show me how to fuel my soul with your love, grace, and truth as I find joy and peace in Your presence.


-Book: Ignite Your Soul, by Mindy Caliguire

-SoulCare Assessment 

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