
Fully Alive: Endurance
Sermon Audio Only
Extra Takes: Iron Faith | Endurance. Matthew 13:13-23
Dr. Josh Laxton and Matt Shiles

Matthew 13

IronFaith is a faith that goes the distance. As we live the Christian life, the ability to endure begins with what you hear with your ears, understand with your mind, and receive with your heart.

Key Bible Verses

Matthew 13:1-23

Key Quotes

“The ability to endure begins with what you hear with your ears, understand with your mind, and receive with your heart.”

“If Jesus isn't Lord over all, then He is not Lord at all.”

“The Christian faith isn't about having a perfect life but about having a fertile heart.”

Digging Deeper 

In Matthew 13, Jesus taught via parable. A parable is a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, as told by Jesus in the Gospels. The parable, in Matthew 13:1-23, is about a farmer who planted seeds. These seeds encountered various conditions as they grew, which led them to be productive or not productive.

The disciples were perplexed and had to ask Jesus what the parable meant. Jesus explained to the disciples that the seed is anyone who hears the message about the kingdom of God. The soil is where the seed lands and affects the outcome and thriving of the seed. 


Based on this parable, these are the various situations that Jesus described:

1) Seed on the path is not rooted in the soil at all. The message of the kingdom is heard but is not understood. It never takes root. 

2) Seed on shallow, rocky ground. The Word of God is heard, creating excitement, but the first joy fades when troubles or persecutions happen. Faith withers or is weak and ineffective.

3) Seed choked out by weeds. The word of God is heard, but the world's worry, care, or wealth chokes it out. Spiritual life is not fruitful.

4) Seed that hears the word of God and understands it. The word of God is heard, understood, and taken to heart. God is glorified and honored, resulting in a faithful, fruitful spiritual life.

As we learn about endurance this week, Jesus wants us to fall into the last situation, where we hear the word of God, understand it, and apply it to our lives every day for the rest of our lives. We can endure because of where and how we are rooted. Our soil is rich and cultivates growth and deep roots, allowing us to flourish spiritually even in challenging times. We can share our faith in King Jesus with neighbors and nations through the power of the Holy Spirit. 

What Not To Miss

The goal is to construct a theology to help people understand the kind of faith that goes the distance.

The ability to endure begins with what you hear with your ears, understand with your mind, and receive with your heart.

The endurance of your faith is tied to the diamond of your life. (The diamond of your life is ears, mind, and heart.)


Definition of key terms in the passage Matthew 13:1-23

Seed/Message of the Kingdom

  • The rule and reign of God embraced by professing and surrendering to Jesus as Savior and King.

Sower/Messenger of the Kingdom

  • At this time, it was Jesus. But Jesus delegates the messenger work to His disciples as they are sent out to give witness to Him as the King, and the Kingdom of God He ushered in through His life, ministry, death and resurrection.

Soil/Receiver of the Message of the Kingdom (Four kinds of soil.)

  • Closed ears: A mind that is blinded has ears that are closed.

    • People who feel they don't need the good news. They don't see the need to be saved. They don't want God in authority over them. They are perfectly fine where they are.

    • These people are not typically found in church.

    • This soil is impenetrable since it falls on a path where Satan can snatch it up before it even penetrates the ground.

    • Those who are closed for business won't ever find themselves attempting to run for Jesus. 

  • Weak mind: Those with a weak mind hear and receive the kingdom's message, which brings them initial joy.

    • But there is no root, so their joy turns to sadness because of the difficulty of life, or because the teaching becomes too difficult.

    • They walk away from Jesus. 

    • This soil is not redemptively able to process the difficulty, the pain, the suffering, and the cost in light of the kingdom's message. The joy of the Gospel is scorched. 

    • Shallow minds lead to short runs.

  • Divided heart: A person with a divided heart hears the gospel and processes it, even to the degree where they understand the call of the gospel and the potential trouble that might occur if they neglect the gospel, yet their heart is divided regarding allegiance.

    • Worries of life and the deceitfulness of wealth (riches) are the thorns that choke the gospel and prevent the gospel from bearing fruit.

    • This person never had joy. They might have had a little more understanding, but not joy because there was always conflict.

    • They never gave Jesus complete and utter control over their heart and life. They never produce fruit of faith because their heart has never been fully given to Jesus. 

    • A person who can't go all in is a person who will not endure to the end.

  • Diamond in the rough: This person has aligned their eyes, ears, mind, and heart to receive the gospel of the kingdom fully.

    • This soil produces a crop. 

    • A healthy heart will be able to go the distance.

    • The Christian faith isn't about having a perfect life, but about having a fertile heart. 

Ten Assessment Questions of the Diamond of Your Life: Are You in Good Soil or Bad Soil?

1. Are you aware of your need for a Savior?

2. Would you rather live an autonomous life doing what you want or a dependent life doing what God wants?

3. Do you have a deep-seated gratitude for who Jesus is and what He has done for you?

4. Is Jesus part of your life, or the whole of your life?

5. Are you tight-fisted with your materials and resources, or open-handed?

6. Do you see yourself as the owner of your wealth or a steward of God's wealth?

7. Do you look for a preacher to tell you what you want to hear, or look for a preacher that will tell you what you need to hear?

8. Is your love for and commitment to Jesus tied to who He is and what He has done for you, or to the present condition of your life?

9. Would you rather Jesus serve you, or you serve Jesus?

10. What is the end goal of your life?

Life Application

As we endure in our faith journey, it is necessary periodically to look at our environment, or soil, where our Christian life is planted. We all want our "seed" planted in rich, healthy soil that produces fruit for God's kingdom. Consider how you can improve your soil's condition this week. 


Here are a couple of suggestions for soil enrichment:

-Answer the Ten Assessment Questions of the Diamond of Your Life: Are You in Good Soil or Bad Soil? See "What Not to Miss," above.

-Contribute your time, talents and treasures to help care for and serve others in the kingdom of God. 

-Make a list of what it would be like to be more like Jesus, and work on one item on your list that would make you more like Jesus.

-Consider your life's end goal and do a soil determination. Are you planted in good soil or bad soil?


Small Group Discussion Questions

  • When you have had to endure a difficult situation, how did you work through it?

  • What kinds of soil and seeds does Jesus teach about in this parable?

  • Why do you think the disciples had difficulty understanding what Jesus was teaching?

  • What is the goal of enduring in our faith journey?

  • How does the Holy Spirit help us as we practice endurance and become faithfully fruitful disciples?

Daily Devotional Bible Passages 

  • Day 1-Endurance-Galatians 6:9; Philippians 4:13; Romans 15:4

  • Day 2 -Hearing (Ears)-Matthew 11:15; Revelation 2:7; Matthew 7:24-27; 

  • Day 3-Understanding (Mind)-Proverbs 4:5; 1 John 5:20; Proverbs 3:5 

  • Day 4-Fruit-Galatians 5:22-23; John 15:16; Matthew 7:16-20

  • Day 5-God Promises as we Endure-Colossians 3:23-24; Psalm 23:5; Matthew 6:33


Lord, I ask that You give me the endurance to live a faithful, God-centered life with iron faith. Help me to cultivate a rich environment where I can flourish and thrive, growing fruitfully as Your disciple. Help me to have ears that hear, a mind that is receptive to your message, and a heart that is devoted to you. Let me see people around me that I need to care for and with whom I need to share my faith in King Jesus. Let me be bold in my witness for you through the power of the Holy Spirit.  

Additional Resources 


The Coach(es), the Community, and the Call of Endurance


It’s Not Over Until It’s Over