It’s Not Over Until It’s Over

Fully Alive: It’s Not Over Until It’s Over
Sermon Audio Only

Acts 1:1-11

Only God knows when the time will be for His mission on earth to be accomplished. In the meantime, each of us is called to be Jesus' witnesses and share the Gospel redeeming a people from all peoples by engaging neighbors and nations to be fully alive in King Jesus through the power of the Spirit.

Digging Deeper 

The Bible emphasizes being together in Christian community. Having church buddies is a wonderful and inspiring way to have community, but developing these relationships takes time and effort.  

If you are inspired and would like to have more church buddies, here are some ideas for getting started or for continuing to add to your circle of buddies: 


  • Pray for church friendships and for God to show you one or two people who could become your close church buddies.

  • Attend Northland Church every week. 

    • Show up early and stay late after church mingling with others.

    • Be present in the lobby.

    • Invest time at church. 

  • Take the initiative with others.

    • Smile and say hello.

    • Introduce yourself to one person each week. (Look for greeters with orange lanyards. Say hello to the person sitting next to you in church. Greet someone in the Cafe or Bookstore.)

    • Be hospitable. (Open a door for someone. Help if you see someone needing assistance. Be friendly and happy to see others.)

    • Go where people are gathered. (The lobby, Cafe, LIFE² Groups, Church-wide Serve Day, etc.)

  • Become a Towel Holder - Volunteer. 

  • Join a LIFE² Group.

  • Celebrate with others.  

    • Give genuine compliments.

    • Be observant and recognize something good that is happening. 

  • Share your talent. 

    • Northland Church needs the gifts the Holy Spirit has given you to serve and build up the body.

  • Develop qualities that would make you a great church buddy.

    • Qualities to develop include listening, caring, empathy, dependability, kindness, consideration, trustworthiness, positive attitude, forgiveness, etc.

  • Sign up for the Northland Newsletter so you will know what is going on at Northland Church and join in. 

  • Invite someone you know to go with you to church and get to know others together. 


May God bless you with many fantastic church buddies. Remember to keep building relationships, praying and being open to see the possibility for friendships with all people God places in your path. 

What Not To Miss


Church Buddies: someone you associate with because of your simple interactions that make church feel like a safe place to grow and learn together as family regardless of age, race, gender or other typical things that bring people together. 

Psalm 133:1

-Good - agreeable

-Pleasant - delightful

-God's people - a wide range of relationships

-Live together - sit; abide

-Unity - in safety; oneness

What we get from having church buddies:

  • Love, fellowship, investment, prayer, instruction, comfort, advice, friendship, help, encouragement, acceptance, support and guidance.

Let's go make some new #churchbuddies!

Life Application

Think about who is your best church buddy. Reach out to them this week, appreciate them and encourage them as you walk together.  

If you don't have a church buddy, consider ways that you might become involved at Northland Church and develop some great relationships. Pray and pick one of the options listed above this week to begin becoming a church buddy. 

 Small Group Discussion Questions

  • Who is your best buddy, and why are they your best buddy?

  • Why is being an active part of the church family important?

  • Why is forgiveness important within our church family?

  • What are some ways to promote unity in the church body?

  • Who is someone God is leading you to get to know better in our church family?

Daily Devotional Bible Passages 

  • Day 1-Friendship-Proverbs 17:17; Ecclesiastes 4:9-10; Proverbs 279

  • Day 2 -Forgiveness-Colossians 3:12-14; James 5:16; Ephesians 4:31-32

  • Day 3-Community-1 Thessalonians 5:11; Galatians 6:2; Hebrews 10:24-26

  • Day 4-Unity-Psalm 133:1; Romans 12:16; 1 Corinthians 1:10

  • Day 5-God's Blessings-Numbers 6:24-26; Philippians 4:6-7; Isaiah 41:10


Lord, thank you for giving me a community of believers at Northland Church who love and serve you. I appreciate church buddies who encourage me, celebrate with me when things go well and support me when things are not going so well. As life twists and turns, let me be present for those who are my church buddies when they need me. Please help me be compassionate, forgiving, kind, patient, humble and gentle, building unity in our body of believers. If I don't have close church buddies, help me to find them and develop friendships. Most of all, allow me to share the love of King Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit with those who need to learn more about you or might not know you.

Additional Resources 




The Church // Christian Discipleship