The Pillar Church: The Church at Philadelphia The Little Church that [Jesus] Could
The Pillar Church: The Church at Philadelphia
Key Bible Verses
Revelation 3:7-13
Digging Deeper
Jesus had only good things to say about the Church in Philadelphia. He said He knew their deeds. The Church at Philadelphia, however, faced challenges and opportunities to remain faithful. Jesus warned them to hold onto what is good and remain faithful so that they would be victorious in the end, a message that resonates with us today.
When considering this passage, we, too, want Jesus to commend us and say that the deeds He knows about us are positive. The two sides of this situation we face, as we live our lives, are what should be eliminated from our lives and what we should add or hold onto as we remain faithful to our Lord Jesus.
What are some things we should let go of?
Evil and sin. (1 John 1:9)
Fear and anxiety. (1 Peter 5:7)
The past. (Isaiah 43:18)
Shame, insecurity, and condemnation. (Romans 10:11)
Toxic, non-godly relationships. (1 Corinthians 15:33)
What are some things we should hold onto?
Love of God. (John 3:16)
Faith in Jesus. (Romans 8:28)
The truth and infallibility of God’s Word. (John 8:32)
Prayer and personal connection and relationship with God. (Philippians 4;6)
Gratitude for all God has given. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
Strength and wisdom from the community of believers. (Hebrews 10:24-25)
The future hope of heaven. (Jeremiah 29:11)
Philippians 4:13 states, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” May God give us the wisdom and discernment to hold onto all that is good as we seek to glorify God and serve others.
What Not To Miss
Main Point:
Gospel Revolutionaries live to PLEASE Christ and will see Jesus work to make them a PILLAR that weathers every storm.
A life PLEASING to Christ transforms into a PILLAR made by Christ.
Jesus will make the Church at Philadelphia a pillar (Revelation 3:12)
Who and what makes churches (believers) a PILLAR? (Revelation 3:7-8)
Jesus expresses to the Christians and Church at Philadelphia that He will make them a pillar.
Jesus is in charge.
Pillars exist not for themselves, but for others.
Jesus makes them pillars for others and also for the world.
How do churches (believers) become a PILLAR (Revelation 3:10-11)
They received Jesus as King, Savior, Lord.
They obey Jesus fully.
Obedience is diving into the way of life of Jesus, which is much deeper than we realize.
Jesus says, “If you love me, you’ll obey my commandments.”
They identify with and are loyal to Jesus.
To be loyal to Him is to identify with Him. It is to embed your identity in His. You hide yourself in Him.
They have faith in Jesus that endures to the end.
The only faith that goes the distance is fueled by the Spirit of the living God.
What happens when churches (believers) become a PILLAR? (Revelation 3:8-12)
Jesus opens doors for witness.
Jesus gives them strength and victory over persecution.
Jesus keeps them from the test/trial (judgment) that is coming.
Jesus will give them a crown, write on them the name of God, and let them dwell in the New City.
Life Application
This week, imagine Jesus sits down to have coffee with you. Jesus asks you, “What are you holding onto that will endure until the end?” How would you answer Him? If you have godly and spiritual things that Jesus would commend you for holding onto, how can you make sure these things remain so you will be victorious in Jesus’ eyes? If you don’t have godly and spiritual things you are holding onto, think about how your life could be reordered so that you are holding onto the things that Jesus would declare would make you victorious.
Small Group Discussion Questions
Share a situation where God has allowed you to be a pillar in something.
What positive things does Jesus say about the Church at Philadelphia?
What negative things does Jesus say about the Church at Philadelphia?
What does Jesus tell the Church at Philadelphia to do?
How does what is said about the Church at Philadelphia apply to the current-day church?
Daily Devotional Bible Passages
Day 1: Holiness-Hebrews 12:14; Romans 6:22; 2 Corinthians 7:1
Day 2: Truth-John 14:6; 1 John 3:18; 2 Timothy 2:15
Day 3: Faithfulness-1 Corinthians 10:13; Galatians 5:22; 2 Thessalonians 3:3
Day 4: Steadfastness-1 Corinthians 15:58; James 1:3-8; Psalm 40:10-11
Day 5: Victory-1 John 5:4; Deuteronomy 20:4; 1 Corinthians 15:57
Lord, You have blessed me with so much, and I am grateful for all you have given me. I know that many things distract, tempt, and lead me away from all the blessings that come from You. Help me stay grounded and focused on what is truly important, so I will value and hold fast to those things that please You and bring me closer to You. Also, I ask that you give me wisdom and discernment to know the things I need to let go of because they do not align with Your will for my life. Help me to remember that material possessions and achievements are not what define me, but rather, what is critical is my relationship with You and the love I show others in Your name. I pray for strong faith so that I will be victorious in this life, using all that You have given me for Your glory and to bless others.