The Mighty has Fallen: Forsaken their First Love
The Mighty Has Fallen: Forsaken Their First Love
Key Bible Verses
Revelation 2:1-7
Digging Deeper
Jesus wrote a letter to the church in Ephesus in Revelation 2:1-7 that commended and criticized them for their actions.
Those in the church at Ephesus have worked hard, persevered amid difficulties, stood up to evil, rooted out false apostles, and suffered for the sake of their faith without giving up. These positive actions show their faith and dedication.
Jesus also criticized them for abandoning their first love and told them to repent and return to what they had done when their love for Him was strong. If the consequences of not returning to their first love are grave, Jesus would remove their lampstand, highlighting the urgency and importance of this message.
As we consider what made up our first love for Jesus, we remember the enormity of the sacrifice that Jesus made when he died on the cross for our sins and the sins of the world. We also consider the overwhelming joy we felt for God’s unconditional love for us as we were sinners. We know how we rejoiced thankfully in the abiding love of God that came when we surrendered our hearts, minds, and souls to Him. Our relief was astronomical as we went from death to life, from being far from God to becoming His children and knowing that we can walk with God in fellowship daily.
Just like the church at Ephesus, God is calling us back to our first love. As we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we are challenged to reignite our first love with renewed determination. We are filled with hope and excitement as our love for Jesus strengthens into a burning fire that deepens each day and overflows as we reach out to our neighbors and nations.
What Not To Miss
The reason for the Letter/Book of Revelation:
It is the revelatory letter of Jesus reminding His Church of their call to revolutionary living.
In Revelation Chapters 2–3, these individual, personalized letters to the seven churches serve as evaluations for Jesus’ churches.
What’s going well?
What’s not going well?
What needs to happen?
What areas need to improve?
What happens to the churches if they don’t do what is necessary, and what happens if they do what is necessary?
Main Point:
Revolutionary living requires love for Jesus rather than a religious lifestyle that might look like Jesus.
Jesus revealed these things to the church at Ephesus to encourage and exhort them to revolutionary living.
1. Jesus rules and reigns over the world and resides in the middle of His churches. (Revelation 2:1)
Jesus resides among His Church.
Jesus lives within His Church.
Jesus walks with His Church.
Jesus dwells with His Church.
2. Jesus recognizes what His church does well. (Revelation 2:2, 6)
Ephesus does at least six things well.
Achieve good works.
Work hard. (Sacrifice)
Work through pain.
Practice church discipline.
Exercise discernment. (Truth and spirit, both the false apostles/Nicolaitans)
Endure persecution.
Beliefs are doctrinally sound. (Orthodoxy, theology)
Behaviors are practically sound. (Orthopraxy, practices)
3. Jesus rebukes His church for sin. (Revelation 2:4)
The Church at Ephesus had a weakness and blind spot related to its first love for Christ.
Over time, they neglected attention, communion, and connection with Christ.
Love is not a feeling or an emotion.
Love is a disposition that prompts demonstration.
Love is an attitude that prompts action.
Love is work.
A loveless orthodoxy becomes a Christless religion.
Love is an attitude that prompts action. It is an activity.
How do you know you’re leaving loving Jesus?
You forget why you do what you do.
You love what you do more than why and for whom you do it.
You take grace for granted—you think Jesus owes you.
You go through the motions of Christianity.
You let life happen rather than intentionally living life. (Auto-pilot)
You live off leftovers rather than cooking new meals.
You no longer hunger for Jesus.
You prioritize serving in the kitchen rather than sitting at the Savior’s feet.
You sit around waiting for someone else to serve you.
People are no longer shocked or offended at your prioritization of Jesus.
You begin hating the sin and the sinner.
Your love for others has grown cold.
You have become a museum about Christ rather than a movement for Christ.
You no longer fight for time with Jesus.
You and Jesus lose things in common.
4. Jesus requires His church to deal with sin. (Revelation 2:5a)
They will deal with sin by remembering, repenting, and returning.
5. Jesus will remove His church if they don’t deal with sin. (Revelation 2:5b)
Jesus doesn’t care how good you are in doctrine and works if you have no love for Him.
No Love = No Existence
6. Jesus rewards His churches (and His children) who overcome. (Revelation 2:7)
The Christian life is a war and a battle, and there will be opponents and opposition to loving and living for Jesus.
The call of Jesus isn’t easy, but the call and the destination are glorious!
The only way to victory is in and through a love relationship with Christ rather than a lifestyle that looks like Christ.
When we understand what Christ has done for us and who we are in Him, we’ll have this love for Him that leads to revolutionary living that will one day yield for us the full and complete victory.
Life Application
Take a moment to reminisce about your first love for Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Recall the love and passion that filled your heart with that first love for Jesus. Now, consider your current life as a disciple of Jesus. What lifestyle changes can you make to rekindle and strengthen the joy of loving and serving Jesus?
Small Group Discussion Questions
What foods do you love and are passionate about eating?
What positive things are said about the church at Ephesus?
What is the complaint about the church in Ephesus?
What are the severe consequences of unrepentance for the church at Ephesus?
How does this apply to us both as the church and as individuals today?
Daily Devotional Bible Passages
Day 1: Hard Work-Colossians 3:23-24; Ephesians 6:7-8; 1 Corinthians 10:31
Day 2: Endurance-James 1:12; 1 Corinthians 15:58; Galatians 6:9
Day 3: Suffering-2 Corinthians 4:17; Isaiah 43:2; James 1:12
Day 4: Victory-Isaiah 40:31; Hebrews 12:1-2; Philippians 3:13-14
Day 5: Love-John 14:21: 1 Corinthians 13:4-5; 1 John 4:12
Lord, I remember when my heart was first filled with passion and devotion to You. But somewhere along the journey of life, my passion has dulled. I have allowed the cares and distractions of this world to consume my heart instead of keeping my eyes fixed on You. I ask for your forgiveness for not keeping alive the fire of my first faith. Help me to remember and treasure the love, joy, and fulfillment I first experienced in Your presence. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and restore my first love for You. Let me seek You above all else, and let my love for You be the center of my life. May I never forget the sacrifice You made for me on the cross. Thank You, Lord, for never giving up on me and giving me this opportunity to reignite my passion for You.
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