121Hope awakens hope in survivors of human trafficking and empowers local abolitionists, all through one-to-one discipleship.
To reach the National Human Trafficking Hotline, call 888-373-7888 or text “HELP” to 233733 (BEFREE).
To reach the Florida Human Trafficking Hotline, call 800-342-0820.
Survivor Advocacy
We awaken hope in the hearts of survivors through advocacy, authentic community, and providing creative spaces to heal and thrive.
Victims of human trafficking become survivors when they feel supported and safe enough to move forward with their lives. It is to this end that we show up to love and serve each day.
The role of our advocates is to help survivors reconnect with their own voices and begin making choices for themselves as soon as possible. We build bridges between “what is and what could be” by connecting a survivor with local resources and services - like emergency shelter, medical care, legal representation and trauma-informed therapy - to empower them to pursue a more hopeful tomorrow.
Community Outreach
Fair Trade Market
Come learn about Fair Trade and become a conscious buyer, helping to lift workers and artisans around the globe out of poverty, all while shopping beautifully-made, ethically-sourced gifts at our Fair Trade Market, happening every April.
Street Ministry
Our street ministry team delivers encouraging notes and gifts to dancers in Orlando clubs. Please ask God to keep these doors open to us as we share gifts, offer prayer and share the love of Christ with these dear women.
Jail Program
We work with strategic partners to engage vulnerable populations in local jail programs for the sake of intervention and prevention.
Education & Awareness
We fight exploitation by raising community awareness through our speaker’s bureau and engaging local students in meaningful volunteerism and education.
Dispel your own myths about human trafficking and become a more informed ally by exploring this entire series online. Click here to watch now.
Learn More About…
Preying on vulnerability, trafficking networks make up the fastest growing criminal industry in the world today. Human trafficking is modern-day slavery. It is the business of stealing freedom for profit and involves exploiting a person through force, fraud or coercion to provide labor or services, or to engage in commercial sex acts.
Sex trafficking is a form of human trafficking that occurs when men, women or children are compelled by force, fraud or coercion to engage in commercial sex. Traffickers can be any gender or age; some are strangers, while others are peers, friends, romantic partners, or family members. Please note that if a person under 18 years old is induced to perform a commercial sex act, it is a crime regardless of whether there is force, fraud, or coercion.
Labor trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to compel a person to provide labor against their will. This can occur in any industry, and traffickers often target vulnerable populations such as foster children, foreign nationals, and individuals who are homeless or living in poverty. Victims often fear for their safety and wellbeing.
Exploitative labor practices create poverty, desperation and hopelessness — diseases of the heart that are an affront to God’s plan for creation. Fair trade gives hope through fair wages and humane working conditions and restores the dignity God intended for all people.
Psalm 82:3-4 reminds us of God’s compassionate heart, “Give justice to the poor and the orphan; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute. Rescue the poor and helpless; deliver them from the grasp of evil people.” Throughout Scripture, we see that God does not overlook or turn a blind eye to the oppressed; instead, He makes them the central focus of His love and provides justice and rescue for the hopeless. Should this not also reflect the heart of Jesus’s followers? May we always remember that human trafficking is a Gospel issue, and our response is a reflection of the grace we have received by the mercy of God through Jesus.
Many of our volunteer stories begin with the question “What could I possibly bring to this ministry?” But rest assured that if God moves you to join this team, he already knows the answer. Whether you are called to street ministry, photography or advocacy, every role matters at 121Hope!